Monday, May 15, 2006

A nice church in Barcelona

Well, I am back in Germany now, but I think I will still put up a couple of nice pictures from my trip. Since I was mainly there for work, I did not get that much free time in the city, but I think I made the most of the time I had. Barcelona is a pretty great place and I recommend it highly to anyone who can make it there. Food was outstanding and there is lots to see.

Here is one of the many churches I quite liked. I always love going to churches in Europe as they tend to represent the best a city had to offer in the time they were built. The church had all the money, all the artists and all the architects... no wonder they ended up looking so much better than any of the other historical buildings in the area.

Anyway, I think I represtent this one fairly well with these couple of pictures.

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