As most people who know me know, I enjoy a nice cold beer. One of my favorites is Guinness, which I only have rarely due to the abundance of fine (and much cheaper) local German beers.

I was treating myself to a Guinness the other day when I happened to read the nutritional information printed on the side of the can. You are reading this correctly, for every 100ml of Guinness, there are 35 kilocalories.

That really did not seem like all that much to me.... so I pulled out the Apple juice (Kaufland non-name brand) which we always drink to make a comparison.

I flipped the carton over and made a shocking discovery...

That is right, Apple juice has 44 Kilocalories per 100ml.
Apple Juice has 26% more calories than Beer. I did a quick comparison with the Orange juice and found it to have 45 Kcal/100ml, 28% more than beer.
Guinness has long had a reputation among the people I know as a "heavy" beer, one that felt like a meal replacement at times due to its filling nature. Now I see that on a direct comparison Guinness is lower in Calories, fat, and carbohydrates (340% more in juice) than fruit juice.
So if you are thinking about having a less fattening drink of an evening, put down that juice and grab yourself a Guinness.
If only the cafeteria at work would start serving Guiness for breakfast.
Well Well Well.. that is excellent news Mr Anderson... I will commence my Guinness diet immediately! thank you!
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