One of the interesting things I did last week was visit the Ski Jumping stadium in Oberstdorf. This was about a 15 min walk from where we were staying, but then again I think everything in Oberstdorf is about a 15 minute walk from everything else.
As always, you can click on the picture to see it slightly larger...
There are 5 jumps of varying sizes, sadly the elevator was broken, so we had to walk up to the top...

The stairs were long and steep, and only went to the top of the seats in the landing area. Then we had to walk up a sort of steep dirt and gravel path to the base of the actual ski jump tower.

This is looking down on the stadium from about half way up, you can see the whole town behind.

This is the tallest jump taken from the very end of the ramp. Thankfully, the elevator on this tower was working so we did not have to walk up another 60m of stairs or whatever the actual height was. I forget.

And then the last image is looking down the ski jump from the top. This is what those fools see just before the big moment. I know now without question that this is not a sport for me.