After crossing the majestic span of the Alps bridge, a sign pointed us in the direction of the actual Baumzipfelweg.
Unsurprisingly, this involved taking many stairs to get to the tree tops. We told the boys that it would be like walking around an Ewok village since they were both pretty big Star Wars fans. This was about all the selling they needed, anything that was in any way connected to Star Wars was OK by them. That attitude was eerily familiar to my own. The stairs up were not really all that bad. I would say it was about the equivalent of the 4th or maybe 5th floor of an average building.
Walking along the boardwalk and platforms was pretty neat, but a little shorter than we had hoped. the complete route was supposedly 1km, but I would not be surprised if they included some of the stairs distance in that to make it seem longer than it was. I enjoyed it, but it just seemed like it should have been a larger experience for something you would make a special trip for.
There were a couple of observation points, but since we were more or less in a valley, I don’t think that they served a great purpose. Really you could not see all that far, it was not like you were on top of a mountain or something. Still, Liam enjoys any opportunity to look through a telescope or binoculars.
At the end of one section was this glass walled bit, which was kind of cool. Claudia is striking a nice pose here with some of the gnome hats, but I really forget what statement she was trying to make. At the time it was funny as I recall, but now I have lost the context of the pose…
So a bit of a walk along the tops and then it was back down the steps to the ground level.
The other great attraction of this site was a rope/climbing garden. The grown up one cost extra and required about a 30 min training on the use of the safety equipment, but over at our section there was a kids version which was fairly much a big playground/obstacle course type thing. The kids had some fun running through that a few times. Since I had the fun man strapped to my back, Henrik and I just did a couple more rounds of the tree top walk while the others enjoyed the ropes.
That is it for this experience. I will leave you with a cool image of Gnomerik enjoying a rice cake.