Here is Liam the wonderbaby at the United Nations. They would not let us stand him up on the podium and look like he was addressing the world. That is their loss. I am sure he will be up there one day anyway, conquering earth.

Look, I am actually in a photo! Ryan took this one... Still in the UN... Same room... Would not let me stand at the podium like I rule the world either. I think the tour guide was a bit of a jerk. It is not like I was going to go up there and yell out things about making new resolutions proclaiming world holidays in my name. I probably would have made Mitsou's birthday a world holiday though, just to be safe.
Finally, this is Claudia riding a roundabout. I was feeling artistic, so I spun the roundabout around and then turned the shutter speed down to 1 second or so. It made this interesting look.
I assume this is the UN building in Geneva...home of all those conventions etc? Not NYC...
hey, if you're feeling like a drive, there's an Xbox 360 show on in Leipzig... its only about 499km away from u... While you're there, can you get 2 extra of every chachka and send them over pls? :),+Germany+%4048.596142,8.870092&daddr=Leipzig,+germany&f=li&hl=en&cid=&ie=UTF8&om=1
This is indeed the UN in Geneva.
I saw some TV coverage of GC in Leipzig, but since I don't have a console, I see little point in making that many hour drive...
I will go to photokina though...
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