Ok, back into the basement for the second batch to come out of the boxes...
This time, I will break out the Warhammer stuff. Back in the old days, my friends and I were pretty dedicated miniature gamers. Our drug of choice was
Warhammer fantasy battle. I covered this in an older post
here. This was back in December 2006 though, although I am sure you all fully recall which of my friends had an elf army and which had the rat-men.
Anyway, my old Warhammer book was in here and I had a flip through, fondly remembering the many many hours in Kelvin's basement on the ping pong table as our armies clashed next to bowls of
Miss Vickies chips.

I also have the two "Realms of Chaos" books that I did not take photos of, and now on reflection I felt a pang of guilt as I realized that we should not really have integrated the Chaos army lists in with the other normal ones. The Chaos books were intended to fight against each other and really made massively overpowered units, the core game had a "standard" Chaos army that we should have used. I feel as though I just wrote a paragraph that will only be understood by about 1% of the people who ever read this... My only response is "tough" I write about what I want.
Around the same time, I bought the science fiction version of the game,
Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader. I REALLY wanted the guys to like this, but it was never a go. I think we were so committed to the fantasy version that we just could not do two miniature games. Still, I read this book so much that pages are falling out.

In fact, I liked it so much that in University, I bought the 3rd edition, which is also in the basement there...

I even painted a full space marine army (Blood Angel Chapter) and played a few games while off in uni. I never got back into it on the scale of the high school years, but it was still a fun time. Maybe when Liam is older I can get him to play a few games. I am sure he will enjoy wargames of Space Marines vs Orks. I am just not going to get him going on the huge purchases like I had, ha ha ha.
I only took a photo of my army commander. I have done better paint jobs, but I think that it is not too bad. Another time I will put up some more fine examples of my wonderful painting skill. Remember this guy is only 25mm tall.
Fraser you probably have a ton of classic stuff that would make you some cash on ebay...should you part with it.
That is indeed quite true. I think that My Star Trek, Talisman and Cosmic Encounter have some pretty decent ebay value.
I still like reading through them though and can't be bothered with the hassle of ebay.
If I would do it, i would plan it so that I could run the auction and have it end while I am in Canada so I could post it while over there. Canada post is cheaper and most interested buyers would be in Canada or USA anyway.
Fraser believe it or not I have had many an epic Warhammer battle, great game. Friend had a 12ft x 24 ft scenery complete with trees etc. to play on. Oddly enough have a dog named Jersey ?!? Enjoyin your blog. Peace Hans
Hans! I never would have thought you the type. The most important thing that leaps to my mind is this.... what army did you field?
Fraser I am always up for a good strategy game. Got my feet wet back in grade 8/9 with Kings quest on the PC and went from there. My all time favorite game would be Civilization for the PC I have read the 200 page manual front to back about a dozen times and even thought it is very out dated; would love to fire up a game right now (From what I have read you have the same passion for some of your old favorites). As for my army, I never really purchased one. My brother really introduced me to warhammer Imperial Guard, Necron, and Chaos Space Marines were the ones I would use from his collection. If memory serves me, I would battle the Dark & Blood Angles amongst others. Now, I have responsiblilities, wife, daughter, dog, mortgage and unfortunately rarely have time to check out and get into a real good game, board or PC (a good game just takes sooooo long). Always a pleasure, Hans.
P.S I see your Army was Blood Marines, I would make quick work of ya. LOL (just kidding)
Ah Hans, had I only known back in ODSS days, you could have swung by for one of our many many warhammer battles.
These days I am much more into board games, something that is not at all geeky in Germany. A group of adults sitting down with a good board game is commonplace and I think a much more social and fun way to spend an evening with friends compared to say... watching a movie.
As soon as my son is old enough to understand games, I will get him going too. There are lots of really good games that can be fun for both kids and adults to play together these days.
I have to agree 100% on Civilization, best computer game ever. I still have not picked up Civ 4 for the PC since my old machine can not run it. So sad.
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