For Liam's birthday, Aunt Shona gave him a kid's digital camera. It is this one from Fisher Price. Cousin Adam has a similar one and Liam had been going nuts for it during our visit. It is a pretty neat toy, a real digital camera (1.3mp) with a fixed focus lens and in a super durable body. I think the focus on this item is not on how fine a quality the images are so much as how much punishment the came

Although the package says this is for kids 4+, Liam had no trouble learning how to use it. I think he is still not totally sure about it, but he knows that when he presses the button, people go "in there" and he can look at them.
This toy is an absolute hit with Liam and he is still constantly carrying it around the house and yelling out things about "MY CAMERA"
I thought I would share some of Liam's greatest hits so far...
Here is an early self portrait. Very over exposed as a result of the flash going off 10cm from his face.

This one is called "view from the couch" and you can see it sort of captures myself and half of Claudia eating lunch.

This is more typical of his style, some would call it an attempt at macro photography, I just think it is up close and out of focus. I have named this one "portrait of a toy bucket"

Another study in the extreme close up. This one is "animal puzzle"

Here is "Laundry Time"

Here is "Mummy's Blurry Foot"

I helped on this one. Not my most flattering image, but not horrible either for a toy camera.

It is certainly better than the unassisted portraits, like "Headless Daddy #20"
The overexposure on "Self Portrait" gives it that retro 60's or 70's feel. It would be fun to see a photo comparision of shots taken by both you and Liam.
I love it. Especially headless daddy nr. 20 - that is a cool title. The portrait of you and him is actually very cute.
Be sure to save each and every one of these pictures. When Liam is a rich and famous artist one day, these might be worth millions!
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