Here is a gift that Claudia gave to Liam that was a HUGE success. It is one of those gifts that we are a little nervous may not have been the best idea... for our sake.
We had taken Liam had to Christmas markets with us in the time leading up to the big day, and he was very very taken with the brass bands performing Christmas songs. At one point he was standing down next to the band, pantomiming his own trumpet and making "doo doo dooooo" noises of his own along with them. Based on this, Claudia found this lovely gift.
It is a plastic trumpet with four notes, and it basically sounds sort of like a harmonica. It is thankfully not quite as loud as we thought it may be. It was a big success from the moment Liam opened it. He was running around yelling TRUMPET TRUMPET at everyone he was so excited.
Then the concert started. He did not have it quite right in the beginning...

After a while he figured it out though. I like that you can see he is clearly playing it with a big smile on his face.

This concert lasted many many many hours. The trumpet was at his side for dinner, book time, it went to bed with him, and was in his hand first thing the next morning. We heard about three full days of uninterrupted trumpet music. When I say music I am being VERY generous. It is more like uninterrupted random note blowing at varied volumes and lengths. Sometimes there is a pause for a loud announcement "I AM PLAYING THE TRUMPET NOW" and then the concert resumes.
It must have looked awesome, since uncle Bernhard decided to give it a go. You can see that Opa Franz was not impressed with his musical stylings.

Bernhard clearly needs to take a lesson from little Satchmo Anderson, his musical moves seem to impress all the ladies.
A great young trumpet player...but I think you need to get him a saxophone next year. He is much too cool for the trumpet (obviously I am a biased ex-sax player). :-)
Doesn't Liam have a drum set as well?
He could be a one-man band.
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