ugh, at this rate it will be Easter before I get through the Christmas posts.
Our house was (as usual) very decorated for Christmas. Claudia and I both like the fun Christmas ornaments and Claudia has a pretty good idea of how to make things look awesome.
I already showed the tree and the wonderful dinner table, but here are some other elements of the display..
This is the advent wreath, one candle for each sunday in Advent. Claudia bought the wrought iron piece a couple of years ago and she fills it up a little differently each year. Liam likes to blow out the candles.

These little fellows go on hard boiled eggs to keep them warm, but do fit in quite well.

The kitchen counter was dominated by the big Advent Calendar. Claudia filled each door with yummy treats and a special one on Sundays. You can also see our two nutcrackers, the hunter and the Scotsman, who is alongside my smoking monk. I love the smoking monk so much, he is fat and jolly. The recipe holder gets filled with Christmas cards and there are some little bears hanging down from there too.

Even our key box gets decorated. My Mum sent these ornaments, first in 2001, then the second one when Liam joined the snowman family.

Liam is not left out, his room has its own little Christmas display. The Nativity was of course constructed by Opa Franz for Liam, and the tiny tree was one that Claudia had when she lived in an apartment. Under the tree are some little smoking men and a snow globe with Santa inside.

I have just about wrapped up the Christmas posts now, I think I just need to show one more and then I can move on... Christmas is such a nice time it is hard to let it go, even though it is 4 weeks gone, snow is all melted and groundhog day is just around the corner.
Well, Germans don't celebrate good old GH day, but they all know it very well thanks to the tremendous success of the Bill Murray film.
Your home looked really nicely decorated. There seems to be a lot of smoking men ornaments. Is that a German thing?
The smoking men are indeed a typical German ornament, in the same tradition as nutcrackers.
They are wood and hollowed out, you put nice Christmassy incense inside and then it looks like they are smoking. I REALLY liked them when I first saw them and have received a couple as gifts over the years.
The fat monk is my favorite one though.
Just as long as they weren't smoking near the baby Jesus.
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