His kindergarten just did a little play, and I am ashamed to say I cannot remember the title, but give me a break... It was something about little animals in the forest.
The curtain opened on some kid with the fantastic role of "snowman" who basically stood there for the length of the production. Very few lines, but lots of stage time.
Liam's only lines were supposed to be "knusper knusper" which is apparently the noise porcupines make when eating, but ever the professional, Liam broke character and looked out into the audience, pointed at me and yelled out "THERE IS MY MAMA AND PAPA!"
The big finale was a song the kids all sang. Then they took their big bow and Liam again piped up and yelled out "SEE FRAU KRAHWINKEL, I TOLD YOU MY PAPA WAS NOT AT WORK."
I can't believe that Liam broke the fourth wall...
Actually, it sounds like something you might have done way back in the day...
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