Weather was awesome, had house guests for lots of fun, and a ton of stuff was going on.
However, to keep it timely, here is what happened on Easter.
The egg hunt. As with most holidays involving chocolate, Liam embraced Easter in full force. He has been talking and singing about the Easter Rabbit for at least 2 weeks now. After breakfast, he looked out the living room window and noticed some colours in the grass. He ran around the house yelling "THE EASTER RABBIT WAS HERE! THE EASTER RABBIT WAS HERE!" and we all went outside to watch him hunt for eggs.
Since there is not much in our garden, the eggs had been placed in tall grass, by the fence, around the sandbox, just difficult enough for a 3.5 year old. He found every egg except one on his own.
In addition to the eggs the Easter Bunny left an easter book and a new Thomas the Train drink bottle for him. What a nice rabbit.
Fraser I noticed you've got string grids in your yard. Is that for a new fence and garden or are you doing some archeological digging?
a keen eye you have there Dave.
Yes, Claudia has initiated a grand gardening project and I have measured out the soon to be planted zones.
Frees and plants will arrive this thursday and I have a weekend of quite intense work to look forward to. Hooray for shoveling.
On the plus side, there should be lots of interesting photos of you and Liam digging and Claudia planting.
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