On the first evening of gaming, I convinced everyone to go for this one:

I think that the ladies especially were not super enthusiastic with the science fiction theme of the game and I had to do a little convincing, but they agreed to play at least once to try it.
Here is the game in a nutshell:
Every player is an alien race living on five planets. The goal of the game is to create colonies on five planets other than your home ones. You do this by playing cards. Each alien has a special, unique power that lets them do something interesting. There are 50 alien races in the game. It is also important that if more than one player meets the winning conditions, then they win too. This allows for some good alliances.
in our game the aliens were:
The Observer (Ryan): Who can keep their ships from dying when helping others.
The Pacifist (Doris): Who wins a conflict when they choose negotiation.
The Parasite (Claudia): Who can force themselves on other players as an ally (wanted or not)
The Mutant (Fraser): Who can steal cards from others in certain situations.
Explaining the game seemed to take a long time, but once we got started, it went very quickly and quite smooth. I don't think we made too many glaring errors in rules or strategy really. The slowest aspect of the game was reading and understanding the "special" flare and artifact cards which often seemed a little cryptic.
Here is Pacifist Doris reading up on something while Parasite Claudia giggles to herself.
I think next time we play, this one would be 45-60 minutes with four people.
Here is the Observer Ryan Observing while Claudia prepares to play a card.
Claudia's power of forcing herself as an ally seemed a little weak at the start, but as she got more points and the endgame approached, it turned out to be one that made her really hard to handle.
Despite all the fine moved by everyone, a situation opened in the end that would allow me to win by scoring 2 points in a single turn. I could only do it if very specific events happened and another player agreed to help me. At first I thought only Doris could help and I offered the alliance to her, so we would both score 5 colonies and we would win together, but Doris did not trust me and thought I had a sneaky trick in store.
Of course, the plan worked perfectly and Claudia and I reached the five colony goal together, sealing the victory and ensuring that the universe would now be under the rule of a joint Mutant-Parasite empire. I am sure the Pacifists felt silly.
In the end, game night #1 was a fun filled success. I would absolutely play this game again right away.
This looks like a fun game. It reminds me a bit of an old video game that had similar game play.
Board games are so 1980's. I suggest spending more time listening to Wang Chung and Images in Vogue to break out of the time warp.
Ponter, you have no idea. Board games are big fun.
When you get together with friends, would you rather spend an evening sitting in a room watching tv and not interaction with each other, or playing a fun game and actually talking.
I love them.
I like fun. But I like this too:
So take your baby by the wrist
And in her mouth an amethyst
And in her eyes two sapphires blue
And you need her and she needs you
And you need her and she needs you
Hahahahahaha. Good ol' fashion 80's lyrics and synthesizers.
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