Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Bike

So, Liam got his BIG birthday present a couple of weeks early...

He was very very interested in getting a new bike, and we took him over to the bike store last weekend. He right away wanted a blue one (although initially he wanted a blue and green one,) and gravitated to this particular bike.

He also insisted on getting a bike with training wheels, no doubt since it is so much easier for him to ride. We really wanted him to not have any, but we caved and got them for him. He was rocketing around the store and when we got home, he has asked to go ride his bike pretty much constantly since getting in the front door.

Here is the maiden voyage around the block.

The initial departure out past the "mini-auto"The reverse angle as he gets underway on the sidewalk.
Of course, it would not be a Liam experience if there was not at least one aspect where he behaved like a freak. Due to his great bravery, Liam does not like to go fast on anything. This translates into not wanting to ride the bike down hills.

We live on a hill. so he gets off and walks the bike down the hill, then gets back on and pedals back up. This seems contrary to about every other cyclist I have ever met. Going down hills is the good bit.

If it is a long gradual hill, he just rides the brakes the whole way down, coming to a total stop every 5 metres or so. Then he starts up again. Going up the hills, he is like a rocket...
The longish flat stretch on the street behind our house is about the favorite part of his ride at the moment.
After two days, he was announcing to anyone who would listen that he does not want training wheels anymore and that "Mama and Papa and Liam will all do a bike tour together." I have explained that he needs to bike faster than we walk before a bike tour will occur.

I am very pleased that he remains enthusiastic about the bike though. I look forward to the practice.


Dave C said...

So did the training wheels come off? said...

The bike is so cool and it is a pucky - I saw on TV that this is the best childrens bike of all. Hopefully he does not come after his aunt doris when it comes to riding without the extra wheels. Let´s say it took me a bit. And I am not enjoying to go fast on anything either....I so much understand him. A smart child. said...

Oh, so that there is no misunderstanding - I posted this comment not ryan - he for sure learned to ride a bike in no time and he loves to go fast on everything. said...

This is the real Ryan (not my wife). I beg to differ with you Fraser. When I saw Liam flying down the hill on his Bobby Car, my thoughts were this guy is definitely going to be a speed junkie. Maybe he just needs to have a low-rider bike that is closer to the ground. :-)
--Real Ryan

Anonymous said...

Thats the german genes in him Fraser - the first time I went to the mountains in Bavaria in 1999, I saw these bikers going uphill and I couldnt see why anyone would do this for pleasure. Since then I've seen it more often and I just attribute it to germans being germans :-)
