Recently, the circus was in town and we thought it would be a fun thing to take Liam to.
I think I have only ever been to one circus in my life before this, and I was really so small that I don't remember much of it. I was probably the same age Liam is now, so we have mirrored my own circus going experience.
First order of business was to go buy tickets from the ticket trailer. The circus was just set up in a large field next to Tuebingen.

With our tickets in hand, we walked a short distance to the big tent.

Now once we got inside the tent, I came to a photographic problem. The lighting was very low and "artistic" which made it harder for me to take pictures. So excuse the overall quality of these if they are a touch on the blurry side.
The whole circus took place in this one ring in the centre. The various acts would come and go through the opening in the back. We were a little bit behind a post, but could still see most of the ring pretty clearly.

The first act was this lady in a dress who had horses ride around her in a daring way. The crowd was filled with ooohs and aaaahs, but honestly I think they were being polite. This particular act was not that impressive if you ask me.

Next up was a pretty neat acrobat who was drawn up into the rafters of the tent on these two long scarves. Then up at the highest points, she performed some fancy moves. I was still figuring out how to take some low light photos at this points so sadly I did not manage to capture any moves.

More horses were next on the agenda. A trainer had a number of horses performing, there were a bunch of different horses coming and going but the crowds favorite (and Liam's) was the mob of little ponies running around.

Next up a clown played some music. The lighting was spoooky

There was then a break in the show, while the centre ring was prepared for the next act. During this break, we went back to look at all the animals. In this tent. Liam fed a Camel.

Then Liam Fed a Horse.

Then I took this picture of a Llama that Claudia really likes.

OK, that is all I can get on here today.
I will post the rest of the show in the next one.
The Llama photo is a bit creepy.
agree with claudia, that llama is great. loads of personality under that fur.
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