Friday, September 14, 2007

At The Zoo

Sorry for the short posts, since my Mum is here visiting right now, I am not really taking the time to fill in things quite so elaborately. However, I am stockpiling lots of photos for future posts.

So, to summarize today, we were at the zoo and saw this monkey.


Anonymous said...

What kind of monkey is that? I've never seen one with that colouring.

Fraser Anderson said...

No idea, some sort of marmoset, I did not take note of the sign. It was in the amazon house, so it is from there-abouts.

He was nice.

Anonymous said...

That looks more like a Tamarin Monkey than a Marmoset.

I like Monkeys.


Anonymous said...

Gord you are an expert on monkeys.

Anonymous said...

need more news...need more news....