Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Job Title

I was just officially informed that my job title has officially been changed by HP.

I used to be:

Product Marketing Manager III

NOW I have become.....

PSS Life Cycle Marketing Manager I

I asked my boss what "PSS" stands for and she said "I would guess.... Product...System and Services..." When I told her she was clearing guessing and had no idea, she admitted that she was very sure the P stood for product, but otherwise really did not know.


Anonymous said...

So you've gone from a level 3 to a level 1??

You should explain to your boss that levels go up, not down.

Fraser Anderson said...

Actually that is not true in Germany. It is opposite.

in school, you get grades from 1-6, 6 is a fail, 1 is the best.

Anonymous said...

that would make warcraft interesting to play.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of like how Dave is a L54NBE

Who would figure out it meant Level 54 Naked Blood Elf?