Well, the gas station has once again been a gateway to a larger world of new flavours. As I was filling up the car recently, I saw this exciting new beverage on the shelf of the cooler section.
Dr. Pepper was never really one of my favorites, but it was ok. Adding exciting newness to the product made it a must have for me. I think I have some sort of mania when it comes to trying potentially horrible new things.

I opened it up and gave it the sniff test. Now since I don't drink standard Dr Pepper very often, I can not really gauge how much it differs from the normal stuff. It did smell quite sweet and not unpleasant at all though.

With the smell test getting a relative success, I thought it seemed safe enough to go ahead and give it a taste.

It was, as advertised, full of cherry and vanilla flavour. Here is where I had some trouble, as I recall, regular Dr.Pepper tastes quite similar to cherry cola. At least I thought the cherry flavour was always in there. I did like the vanilla though, it was a nice taste, not too strong. It did leave a bit of an aftertaste, but I am starting to find that almost all pop is doing that now. I think anything with that much sugar just leaves you feeling sticky.
After most coke/pop beverages, I almost always feel the need to follow them up with a little glass of water to clean away that sugar sticky feeling.
I had a nice long think about how this one tasted...

I will go ahead and give this product a slightly mediocre thumbs up. It was OK, but not really that different from regular Dr.Pepper as I remember it. I would drink it again if someone offered it to me, but I don't think I would go out of my way to get it on my own.
Did it mean the Liam test for deliciousness?
Liam does not actually like pop.
Milk, Juice or water... that is all for him.
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