We recently drove 20 min down the road to a little castle. Because it was a couple of weeks and I failed to write it down, I totally forget the name of the place...

To Liam however, this is "RITTERBURG" which is German for a knight's fort. It does look quite like that sort of castle from his little books.
It is quite a small castle with a moat around it, but it looks pretty nice.

The real reason we came here was to go to the cafe that is in what used to be the stables and kitchens of the castle. They are renowned for the quality and size of the cake.
Here is the entrance and the outdoor seating area.

Knowing that he would have a nice treat inside, Liam had no trouble marching right in like he was king of the place.

It has a very interesting decor inside. It quite felt like being in a nice old castle.

I sadly did not take a photo of the cake, which seems silly in hindsight, but trust me, it was HUGE and tasty. I am sure we will go back sometime and I will make sure I capture the actual cake in the next visit.
No cake picture?? I think you need to go back for a second slice.
Yes, that castle would not last long in a seige. Dwarves could hop that moat and there are no defensible walls. Certainly this is no Isengard or Minas Tirith. This castle would fall quickly to an orc/urakhai invasion, unless ofcoures Dave cast a level 60 aura of protection around it.
you are a very strange man
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