Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Well, Here are the next two motivational posters in the series “how to behave”

HPIM0039 HPIM0040

  • Volume – Sitting down and using a headset while on the phone is quieter.
  • Volume – Walking and talking can be disturbing to others.

Now, perhaps I am being picky, but surely those are things I should not need a 1.5 metre high poster to remind me of? they seem to be in the realm of what I would call “the obvious.” I am pretty sure that everyone in my office could come to these conclusions entirely on their own. But since these posters exist, they must imply that management perceives these two activities to be a problem in the office.

I would have to say that if these are a problem it is not because people don’t understand the concept of volume, but more that they are choosing to ignore the concept of volume. I would suggest the following to be more appropriate:

  • Volume – Don’t be a noisy jerk.
  • Volume – No one wants to hear you.

I can absolutely throw stones as far as this topic goes since I am probably the quietest guy in the entire building. I shun human contact and get about two phone calls a year. I communicate almost entirely via email and IM with colleagues.

I also think the guy in the first poster looks really angry. Second poster walker-talker at least looks like he is enjoying his work.


Dave C said...

The 2nd poster seems to imply that the simple act of walking could be disturbing.

Perhaps crawling would be more quieter?

Fraser Anderson said...

Or I would like to see an initiative for no shoes. socks on the carpet would be even quieter.

Or slippers...

Fraser Anderson said...


WoW Patch 3.3 today. You still never told me the name of you character on my server.