Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sometimes things need to be explained carefully


In case my colleagues and I did not fully understand the subtle message behind the “VOLUME” series of posters, we are gently reminded with these delicately worded works of art.

  • Noise – Be considerate of others working in your area
  • Noise – Please ask colleagues to modify their behaviour if they are creating nuisance noise

I interpret these two in the following sequential way:

  • Noise – shut up big mouth.
  • Noise – Don’t be afraid to tell bigmouth to shut up.

I particularly like the expression “modify behaviour.”  I think the definition of “nuisance” noise is also open to wild interpretation.  I know for a fact if all the noise stopped that I consider a nuisance, it would result in more than a few deaths as so many would be holding their breath.

1 comment:

Dave C said...

Excuse me colleague, I find your breathing quite noisy and destracting. Would you mind modifying your behavior and refrain from breathing while at the office.