So, we were out for a drive on the weekend and the car continued to work is sleeping magic on the boy. It is almost hard to believe that about 2 minutes before this, he was an energy machine. I like when he zonks right out, funny dude.
The Avengers - A movie I had pretty low expectations of given that I did not like Hulk, Thor, Captain America films. But I went and saw it based on the good reviews and positive comments I heard. I have to say I was pretty impressed and I would firmly place this one in the "good" super hero movie column. Lots of action and just the right amount of humour for me.
What I am Reading Right Now...
Reamde - Neal Stephenson is one of my favorite authors and this is his latest. I have heard lukewarm comments about it from reviewers, but so far I am enjoying this one. i am only about 90 pages in though, so there is quite a ways to go.
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