OK, so I could not come to a decision on the Xbox-PC debate yet. I have decided to wait until after my Canada visit in May, so I can spend a few moments playing Xbox with friends to give that system a "fun test" I am in no urgent rush to get something, so I would rather wait and make the right choice.
I did want to get something fun in time for my birthday last Friday though, so I stopped by the HP factory store and bought.... a huge monitor. Here is my new glorious 22 inch widescreen beast.
This has the upside that it will work fine with either an xbox or a new PC should I decide to go that route later...

of course, with every new device comes a box. As anyone with a small child will likely know, a box is like the holy grail to a 2 year old...

that's a sweet monitor. I'm sure that WoW looks great on it.
Let your Canadian friends know the dates so we can make plans. Is the whole family coming?
Everything looks good on it. It makes watching tv/movies in the office a very good alternative, the picture is 22 inches of glory.
WoW is good on it and when I one day get a new system of some kind, it will also be super.
Will be in Canada May 11-24 or something like that, the whole family is along this time and there will definitely be some meet and eat going on. Perhaps the next blog post should have something to do with that...
Hurray! A visit! And I won't be pregnant and exhausted this time so maybe I can actually SEE you!
Please blog about what you're coming to do and who you're coming to see!
I hope to God you play things better looking than WoW on that.
WoW is so mediocre looking, you can play it in braille and it won't make a difference.
indeed yes I will be using it for more than WoW.
My old old old computer does not really run anything published after 2002 or so though.
For watching video and general computer use, the new monitor is glorious.
I hear ProN looks good as well. Not sure though.
GS you just don't like WoW because you could never get your female human priestess past level 6 and chose to run around Stormwind City naked trying to dance or duel with other players.
But I agree...there are much better graphic games than WoW.
Dave - I get the appeal of WoW for many people - I just don't like to have to walk around for hours collecting magical loaves of bread, or killing squirrels, just so I can level up and buy a wooden shield.
I want action and combat. I don't want to die and then have to wait 6 mintues while my ghostly spirit wandered back to my body.
And for your edification sir, it was a level 6 Mage, named Jessica Alba. And you stole all my gold coins.
Nice monitor...get a PC, is it wierd that I am checking out your blog...anyways all new to me and feels kinda strange. Peace, Hans in Orangeville
Hi Hans, Always nice for me to see comments.
I don't think it is weird at all... The whole purpose of my posting things is for them to be read.
I hope all is well in O'ville.
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