Well, the big day finally came, Liam's first day of kindergarten. His daycare finished for summer break six weeks ago, and Liam has actually been talking about going to kindergarten almost hourly since then. He was really really looking forward to it.
Liam is a guy who loves being around other kids, a little social animal. He must have gotten that from Claudia, as most people who know me will agree I am not a people person.
Started off the day with a nice early wake up around 6:30. This was not my choice, Liam decided that was when we needed to get going. We headed down stairs and he enjoyed his usual breakfast of nutella and honey toasts.

After a hearty toast filled breakfast, of course the first thing Liam wanted was... another breakfast, so we moved ahead and enjoyed a bowl of Fruit Loops.

Now with multiple breakfasts out of the way, I took him upstairs, cleaned him up and put on his snazzy first day of kindergarten clothes.

Dressed and washed, we needed to give the teeth a brush, especially after all those loops and sweet breakfast treats. Of course, he did not want to do it himself today, so I had to help.

Pretty much from that instant on, he was ready to go and asking me over and over if we were going to the "Big Auto" for our drive. Once his shoes and coat were on, he let himself out and went over to the car. The drive itself was uneventful, since it is less than 5 min. I can walk there with him if I am not continuing on to work myself.

When we arrived, he became a little nervous. The Kindergarten building is at least 2-3 times as large as his daycare, and right next door. He could see the old destination through the bushes, but he knew that it was no longer where we were going. At this point, the wild enthusiasm waned a bit and he wanted to hold on to my hand.

We went inside, and despite my waiting 30 minutes later than the official starting time, Liam was the first child to arrive. He is in the "red" group, and each child is given an animal sign to assign their little box and clothes peg. Liam is a Penguin, which he likes a lot. We took off outside clothes and put on our inside shoes.

After a moment or two the nervousness faded and Liam wandered around the room freely to check out the play areas. He of course first went right to the trucks and inventoried the construction vehicles, then pulled out all the animals and told me what they were... Then he went over and checked out the "house" zone.

By this time I had been waiting with him for a little while and a couple of other kids were arriving. I thought it was a good moment to leave since he seemed quite OK with the environment.
I will wait to hear the end of day report from Claudia later on, but I think he seemed to adjust quite ok.
Hope he enjoyed his first day at school. Just don't tell Liam how many years of school he has in front of him.
I can't believe he's in Kindergarten already.
But I do love the fact that he's a penguin. I hope Jacquelyn gets that lucky when she starts school
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