Back on my vacation, we made a little outing to an amusement park that is specifically for little people. This is a place about an hours drive from our home and it specifically caters to kids around Liam's age, so we thought it was worth having a look.
First of all, I have to say that it was very reasonably priced, I think it was about 8 Euro per person to get in, which included all the rides. Much cheaper than a North American equivalent as far as I recall, oh, and Parking was free. The entrance to the park looked like a little castle.

The first part of the park is a "fairy tale forest" which is a place where there are displays and sound/puppet shows about some of the more famous fairy tales. We have been to similar places in the past and Liam always likes to look at the munchkins.
Here was the entrance to the forest:

The first display was for Snow white, there was a little cottage that Liam found very interesting. It is unusual for him to find a building that is the right size for someone like him.

Right next door to the cottage was the cave where the 7 Dwarfs were mining. I love a good garden gnome and the ones they used for the dwarfs were pretty darn good. It was again Liam-sized, so I had to squish myself down pretty small to fit in there.

Next up was the story of the 7 little goats. not one I had heard of, but Liam really liked seeing some goats doing people things in a little house.

Just down the path from the goats was the Hansel and Gretel gingerbread house.

There were a few more dispalys; The Frog Prince, Rapunzel, and some more that I don't recall. All in all, the fairy tale forest was a pretty good one, lots of variety and all the kids seemed to really like looking at the munchkins.
It was all just an appetizer to the main part of the park though.... rides. I will cover them in the next post.
This reminds me of a cross between Storybook Gardens (London, ON) and Cullen Gardens Minature Village (Whitby, ON).
Of course, I don't think either of them had rides.
Yes, well the rides really are the main part of this park, I will get to those.
There is another park like this not far from us that I had in a post a while ago, it seems that they are popular with the kiddies.
I remember Storybook gardens in London when I was little and I think it is closer to that.
I can see why it was 8 Euro....
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