Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Southern German Board Game Expo - part 3
The next thing I saw was the Württemburg Chess Club. I quite like chess although have not played much in the last (many) years. I recall my good friend Rob Savelle teaching me to play when we were both young lads in Grade 2. I also recall that Rob could pretty consistently beat me, probably still can.
The interesting thing they had here was an Chess puzzle up on a big 1.5 metre board. I am very proud to say I was the first person in the expo to solve it. Here is the puzzle... White to mate in 1 move, take your guess in the comments and I will post the answer in a bit. I got my name entered in whatever contest they were running by solving it, so who knows, after the expo I may have a prize on the way.
Right next to the Chess club was the Go club, where they were playing/teaching on some really beautiful sets. I would love to have one for decoration. I think chess/go sets are one of the few games that you can leave out on display as an object of art.
Stay tuned, I have plenty more to come. The awesome is just getting started.
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I'm not much of a chess player but I'll take a stab. G4 to E3?
Black can then take bishop with queen.
I'd say white king (E1) to F2.
And it was Rob's dad who taught me to play chess back when we were in grade school. I really need to find someone who plays - I'm horribly out of practice!
I agree - K to F2
Incorrect. King to F2 does not put the Black King in Check.
GAH! I'm a moron G4 to F2 - move the darned knight, put the king in check via the bishop and the king is dead. See! This is why I need more practice!
Sorry Shell
G4 to F2 = Incorrect.
Black then takes Bishop at H5 and is no longer in Check.
What an interesting world... so much to play with... Cheers!!!
Last kick at the can and then I quit.
G4 to F6
Never mind my last comment. I know now why it's as dumb as all the rest of my guesses. come on Fraser, give us the answer!
sorry... wrong again.
same result as last with that move, queen takes bishop, no check.
Sure white could then take the queen, but the puzzle is mate in 1.... mate in 2 is pretty easy on this one.
I think I've got it now - G4 to H2
think I obsess much? Sheesh!
Well Shelley, your brute force approach has paid off.
Success, I hope you can sleep nights now.
That was correct.
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