Well, before this year’s Lantern walk (to come in another post soon) Liam’s kindergarten class put on a play about “Elli the Elephant”
The kindergarten was all set up as the theatre and in case it is not immediately obvious, the setting of the play is Africa.This year the kids made animal lanterns to use for the St. Martins walk, and I guess that gave them the idea to use them as puppets to do the show. The story is essentially that Elli the Elephant has lost his herd and is asking other animals to help him find them. Here Elli is talking to Giri the Giraffe. All of the animals are named in this way.
Then a word with Gepi the Leopard (Gepard in German)
After talking to Lions, Leopards, Tigers, Alligators and a host of other animals, Elli found the herd. This was represented by the Elephant parade. The parade was acted out by all the younger kids. The puppeteers were the older kids, the ones almost ready to move on to school. They were better able to handle puppets, remember lines, and tall enough to reach over the wall.
There you have it. Not quite as big a role as in the play last year, where as you may recall Liam was the scene stealing hedgehog, but still, he did very well. A fine play and I look forward to the next big production.
I like the fact that the tables looked set-up like a cabaret, with plates and glasses for food and drink.
Well Dave, there were biscuits and cidre made by the kids.
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