Like lots of little kids, Liam likes to do the things that his parents do. I work from home fairly regularly, which means I spend the day in the office in front of my laptop. Recently, Liam seemed to become very jealous of this behaviour and was going on and on about how he needed his his own computer.
So... I dug up this rather old, non-functional laptop and stuck it in front of him to see what would happen.

It turns out, this was just what was needed. Liam started banging away on the keys immediately and seemed to not care at all that the screen was black. Now he has fairly much claimed this laptop as his and it is staying in his room on his wee table. Or when I am working, he is often dragging it over and sitting next to me at the desk while he works too.
Crazy boy.
That's pretty cute.
JP likes to sit on my lap and type when I'm working. She also spends a fair amount of time dragging over my personal laptop and asking me to make it "go" so she can work too. Kids really are very strange.
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