I had some colleagues visiting from Barcelona and India for the last couple of weeks, and since Friday was the last Day in Germany for them, we thought it would be nice to do something different for lunch.
Just down the road (18km) from my office is the factory/HQ of Rittersport Chocolate. You may have seen them in the shops, I think they are in most countries now. They are large square bars, with 16 little squares in each. There are lot of flavours to choose from.
So, we made the quick drive over to have a look. Sadly we could not do a factory tour since they need to be arranged in advance, but we did go for lunch in their very nice cafe. Afterwards we looked briefly at the “history of chocolate” display thing and passed on the chocolate museum out of time concerns.
Here is the factory as you can see it was a rather snowy and grey day. Photo quality is not ideal for any of these as they are all taken with my phone instead of a nicer camera.
The main reason to go of course was to head to the store. soooo much chocolate.

It was pretty great, I feel silly that I have lived here for 10 years and never made the 10 min drive over there. I will be making many more visits to stock up on chocolate now. so much for health and fitness.