Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wedding fun

This past weekend we went to the wedding of Claudia’s cousin.  Weddings are usually a pretty fun time and this was the second one we have been to with the boys (the other was a colleague of Claudia’s)

Claudia has a pretty big extended family, her father is one of nine children, and most of them have a couple of kids of their own, who are mostly married with children.  This made the wedding quite a large affair, just under two hundred people were there, which for me is a big one.  The wedding was also in a pretty small place between Augsburg and Munich, and there were a lot of folks in traditional German clothing.  Lederhosen and Dirndl wherever you looked.  Sadly I took far too few photos of this, but here are a couple for a taste.

This cute little girl is one of the daughters of Claudia’s cousin (not the one getting married, there are lots)   Her and her sister were in nice little matching outfits.  When I saw them it made me sad that we have not already got traditional costumes for our boys.  They even get to chose between lederhosen and kilts.


You can see it was not just the kids, but the parents were also nicely dressed in their finest trachten. I am really sad I did not make a better effort to get better photos…


Look at the excellent lederhosen on the gentleman next to Liam.  I should have worn my kilt, I love wearing my stuff as well, but I don’t like to do it without the knowledge and blessing of the hosts, I don’t want to do anything to distract any attention from the bridal pair and me in a kilt can be a distraction.


Henrik of course was the life of the garden party and was rolling, crawling and shuffling around like a madman, getting attention from everyone possible.  Here he is enjoying a rice cake with Vroni while Bernhard and Liam look on.


After dinner, Liam perfected his superb dance moves with Oma (and all the other ladies he could grab)

Clearly my next trip to Canada should involve bringing Liam to the Dance Cave for a dance off against Robert.

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