OK, so the big exciting news is that Claudia and I decided to go ahead and buy a house. It is a row house, the middle one in a row of three and stragely enough, the outside two are already built. It is in a town 4km down the road called Entringen and it is a pretty great place. We will still be on a street that ends in the Schoenbuech national park, there is a GIANT playground about 200m from the front door and an outdoor pool about another 500m past that. So there is a lot for Liam and family to do for fun. It is also a much more child friendly neighbourhood, 2 of the neighbouring houses have kids Liams age and it looks like there will be lots of kids to play with.
A plus for me is that Entringen has a TRAIN connection, so I will not have to ride the dreaded bus at all if I don't want to. The town is about twice as big as Kayh, about 3,000 people and belongs to the Tuebingen municipality. So I will have to change my license plate on the car to a TU one.
House will start construction next week or so and our target moving date is the end of Feb. So if anyone is looking for an exciting holiday of painting and moving furniture, feel free to let me know.
Congrats on your first home!
Awesome! Our congratulations....
Annett & Anurag
Well Dave, it is our second home that we own, and if you count renting, our third in Germany...
Sorry Fraser. Forgot that you bought your current house (I now recall you telling me that German homeowners take their kitchen cabinets when they move).
So I'll modify my previous post to say congrats on your new home.
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