Now, I think this also speaks volumes about our local paper... this is the community newspaper, at least 3/4 of which is filled with news about local clubs, organizations and community events. It is not really a proper newspaper. There is only town news, and since our "town" is made up of 4 villages populated between 1000-4000 people, you don't really expect much on world events.
There was an exciting story last year when all the wild pigs escaped from the park.... I never did find out if they got them back.
click on the photo for a larger version where you can better see the little faces.

Liam looks very cute.
Which one is Alissa, his friend?
The Doris
Alissa is the curly haired girl in the front row.
The other famous boy is Dennis, he is in the top row on the most right position.
I think Ompa could build a much better bench.
Yes, I am throwing down a challenge.
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