Well, I know that I am putting this up on the 26th, but I was quite busy with actual Christmas activities until now. I thought I would start of the Christmas picture extravaganza by showing our lovely display.
Despite the fact we spent Christmas with Claudia's family in Augsburg, we still decorated our place and set up a tree. Claudia decided to theme decorate the house this year, using only red and white ornaments and trying to have as many moose and snowflakes as possible in these colours. When it came to the tree, the red and white stuck.

I think all in all it turned out very well. Here is a shot of the final product, with our Franz-build nativity next to it, everything illuminated.

I hope everyone had a nice time over Christmas and I can assure you have accumulated lots of content for upcoming posts.
Did you cut down this tree yourself? I think the moose is a nice Canadian touch.
nope, the tree was in fact a gift from the house builders. For a couple of years after a new home, our builder has a Christmas party and gives everyone a tree. Very nice of them.
Also had a nice sausage and mulled wine. yum yum
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