I am in a bad mood regarding work this week. So here is a funny photo to cheer me up. Double Kermit Party.
I am in a bad mood regarding work this week. So here is a funny photo to cheer me up. Double Kermit Party.
Well, that time of year rolled around again and a couple of weekends ago I headed off to the annual board game trade show. This year was a milestone in that I brought the rest of the family with me. There are a few shows on at the same time, this year with Babyworld, the model train and car show, board games, and home show all at once. I thought there should be something for everyone to enjoy here.
Of course, managing a hyper Liam made me have far few photos this time around.
We walked by the annual balloon animal section of the place and Liam quite liked it, but was not as thrilled as I am with balloon animals. This year the theme was China, so there were a lot of dragons and pandas.
Overall, the balloon display was not as impressive as in previous years. I thought that the huge scale of the animals was impressive, but the balloon creatures themselves did not wow me like prior years. Nothing as creative or funny as last years balloon chicken cooking on a ballon BBQ anyway.
I had some colleagues visiting from Barcelona and India for the last couple of weeks, and since Friday was the last Day in Germany for them, we thought it would be nice to do something different for lunch.
Just down the road (18km) from my office is the factory/HQ of Rittersport Chocolate. You may have seen them in the shops, I think they are in most countries now. They are large square bars, with 16 little squares in each. There are lot of flavours to choose from.
So, we made the quick drive over to have a look. Sadly we could not do a factory tour since they need to be arranged in advance, but we did go for lunch in their very nice cafe. Afterwards we looked briefly at the “history of chocolate” display thing and passed on the chocolate museum out of time concerns.
Here is the factory as you can see it was a rather snowy and grey day. Photo quality is not ideal for any of these as they are all taken with my phone instead of a nicer camera.
The main reason to go of course was to head to the store. soooo much chocolate.
It was pretty great, I feel silly that I have lived here for 10 years and never made the 10 min drive over there. I will be making many more visits to stock up on chocolate now. so much for health and fitness.
Something I always enjoy in countries other than the one I grew up in is experiencing the pleasure of the supermarket. Food that is a little different from what I am used to is great to see, and on occasion try. I am a fairly adventurous eater with only a couple of things I won’t try or I know I don’t like.
My quick list of foods I won’t eat at all are:
1) Curry
2) insects
3) anything with “blood” in the name
Otherwise it is pretty much fair game.
I was in our local supermarket a while ago and I came across this fantastic item on sale! The translation is not hard, but just in case, it says “3% cheaper! 1/2 a pig in two bags”
And that is exactly what you get. Half a pig in two huge bags. Pork in itself is absolutely not strange to me, but the presentation and the sign made me laugh….
I keep hoping that next week will be half a cow in four bags.
Liam of course was bugging me about the game since he saw the little munchkins, and we had planned to play after he was in bed, but the excitement was too much for him. After about 10 min in bed, he strolled back down to have a look and whined until we let him sit and watch us play a little. I offered Ryan either side to play in this mission and he chose the aliens. I did let him know that I thought the game favoured the marine side fairly heavily and this being the introductory mission, was likely to be even more unbalanced, but he did not mind at all and went for it.
Oh, here is an example of a painted marine model. When I eventually do it, they will almost certainly look nothing like this. My skills are weak.I had read through the rules pretty thoroughly, but the first game is always a little slower as we get the hang of the game and its many mechanics, but it was not too bad. Ryan figured out the tactics of the aliens pretty quick and I think would have done much better if it was not for the ridiculous success I had rolling dice. Seriously, it was absurd the number of 6s I rolled against him.
I like this image because it looks like Liam is winning. It also looks like he is having a beer with his uncle. I promise its mine.
So, the goal of the Marines was to get the one guy with a flame thrower to a specific room and then set it on fire. I managed to do this without getting destroyed by Ryan and his alien forces. In what most people would say was a poor tactical move, I did fire the flamethrower into the room when my sergeant was still standing there, melting him to gooey slag heap. The mission objectives were reached though, so I am sure he was happy to make the sacrifice in the name of keeping Ryan’s Alien menace at bay.
So, I game I wanted to get for many years is called Space Hulk. This was around since the 1990s or so and was from Games Workshop, makers of some of my past favorite board games, such as Talisman. Anyway, this one was long out of print only to be reissued in 2009 by GW. Sadly it was well out of my price range, so I began trolling EBAY trying to pick it up on the cheap. After about 6 months or so of bidding, losing and frustration, I managed to get a copy that was missing 2 pieces for about 30 Euro. I thought that was fine as I would be able to replace the missing bits with some other GW models if I wanted to.
This is a game with a hefty number of bits. Here is what it would look like fresh out of a new box. However as mine was used, all the bits were punched out, the aliens assembled and a few of them even painted to a reasonable standard.
The premise of the game is essentially the same as the film “Aliens.” Heavily armed and armoured Space Marines are off to defend the universe from evil aliens called Genestealers. Each session of play is a “mission” defined by the rulebook which sets out objectives for the players controlling each of the sides. The board is modular and is built as defined by each mission.
The Marines are slow but very powerful, with big guns, cannons and flame throwers, and the aliens are fragile, but overpowering at hand to hand and very very fast. Also, the Marines are limited to 5-10 models and the alien player has unlimited reinforcements. The basic tactic is for the Marine player to try and keep a lot of space between him and the aliens to pick them off with guns, whereas the Genestealer player is trying to rush in and bite your face off.
I knew this was a game that was not really for Claudia, what with the guns and aliens and face biting. Liam is destined to love this, but it is a little beyond him now. The natural choice of opponent then would be Ryan. Claudia and Doris were planning to go out to see a show last weekend, so I invited Ryan over for some gaming. I set up the board for the first mission and placed the required gaming fuel (mmmm beer) on each side of the table. Everything was ready for the exciting first great space battle.
The next big attraction area is a giant space ship full of fun stuff. There are 3 decks of fun with games, learning, and slides and stuff for the wee astronauts. All of those tubes on the exterior of the ship are tunnels and slides.
The space ship main attraction is a big video game, where the players ride sort of space cycles and shoot at a big screen with a laser gun. The cycles for the bigger kids, move around with the video, but there are a couple of stationary ones as well for the smaller, less coordinated players like Liam.
eedless to say, he loved this. The game itself is very repetitive, first with some asteroids to shoot, followed by space pirates. The players are competing to get the most points by shooting the targets. As the smallest player, Liam did not quite get the hang of it, but he had super fun and played it a few times.
Elsewhere in the ship were some suspended animation/hibernation cabinets, which seemed to serve no other purpose other than tossing your kid in there for a photo. Now if they locked or really put the kid to sleep, I can see many many child care applications. There was some music inside though and Liam thought it was a blast running in and out of there.
There was also a deck of the spaceship full of science and learning type exhibits about space and the planets, but it was a little too wordy-learny for Liam. He just wanted to run around and play. Reasonably so I must say. There was a shooting gallery that he enjoyed as well, where you were supposed to be fighting off boarding aliens or something, however Liam is a terrible shot and he got bored fast with that. I did not get a photo of it.
What was Henrik doing this whole time? napping and smiling of course. Claudia and I took turns going to play with Liam and minding the happy napper. There was also a nice obstacle course sort of climbing thing. You had to climb up pretty large towers, to an enclosed set of paths up in the roof to navigate. I liked this too.