Based on this advice, I tried to take some more pictures of the rest of the family folks during our trip. I think that this picture of Claudia turned out quite nice. You can click on it for the HUGE version.
I really enjoy taking pictures and I think this has increased about a million percent since I bought my digital SLR last year. I think when I go do something, I take on average of 100 photos per day, and then trim that down to about 5-10 that I think are worth sharing with people. What I wish now is that I had some spare money to expand my kit a little. I think that I would really like an external flash, so I could take some nicer indoor pictures using indirect light, and of course I would like a longer lens for a variety of things. Something up to 200-300mm would suit me just fine. I am wondering if Nikon makes a digital teleconverter that could be a cheaper alternative in the meantime. A really really wide lens, like a 12 or 10mm would also be great for some landscape shots.

very nice picture of claudia.
i'm still not sure how you ended up with her.
Maybe Claudia has a soft spot for goalies from Orangeville who are sarcastic, tech-savvy and speak broken German.
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