So we are driving down to Geneva to visit Doris and Ryan when we stop for a lunch break just outside Zürich. Liam is a picture of cooperation today, playing nicely, behaving like a good little man and generally not being a pest. He was crazy about some small barking toy dogs at the rest stop, so Claudia bought him one. It was pretty funny how excited he got, he was dancing around with the dog all through lunch.
Anyway, we finish up and head back to the car... Key in the ignition and.... nothing. Car is dead, looks like the battery is flat. So, we call the ADAC (CAA of Germany) and they call the Swiss version and dispatch a car.
We amuse the little man around the rest stop while we wait for the "Yellow angel" to show up. After about 60 min or so the car arrives.

As we suspected, the battery is dead... 15 min and 200 swiss francs later we are back in business and on our way.

Amazingly, Liam was a good boy the whole time, thanks to the wonder dog.
How far a drive is that?
Well, from our place in Entringen (40km south of Stuttgart) to where Doris and Ryan live in Geneva is 480km, which we can normally drive in about 4.5 hours or so.
This time, it took 7.5 hours including the looong stop at the rest area.
This rest area, just next to Zurich is almost exactly 200KM from our front door.
In 4.5 hours I could drive to North Bay.
Doesn't sound quite as an exciting.
If you drive fast enough you can be in Montreal in 4.5 hours. Nothing good ever comes from a trip to Montreal. That is the magic of it.
200 Francs!!?!! Ouch! Forgotten how expensive Europe can be.
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