On Saturday we needed a few house-type things and so we got to take a trip to one of Liam's favorite places... The Baumarkt. When I told him to go get his shoes, he got all excited and then this happened:

We Quickly sorted that out and got on our way. The main reason that Liam is so wild for the Baumarkt is that he gets to ride around in the shopping cart with a big car in the front. He turns the wheel furiously, beeping the horn like a madman and making the "vrooom vroom" car noises.

It is always a bit of a mess when we are finished, because we have to drag him kicking and screaming from the car as he screams AUTO AUTO and trys to wrestle his way back in there.
We survived though, and I managed to buy the much needed light bulbs.
Fraser, what happened? I see the picture, but I'm not sure what we're supposed to be seeing.
Liam put on daddy's shoes Dave.
Like dress up time.
Remember how you'd come out in your mom's dresses sometimes?
What do you mean? Liam puts on my shoes and walks around.
Then he likes to ride in the big car, I thought it was fairly clear, what part is unclear?
Dave, did your dressup clothes come from the tickle trunk?
Ah...I thought there was some video as compared to a still shot.
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