As always we used our evenings in Geneva to enjoy the opportunity to play some board games. It is so much more fun to do something interactive and social than to all sit on the couch and watch a film. Even though people's competitive streaks can get the better of them, I think that we all have good fun playing some games.
On the first evening, we opted for the crowd favorite
Ticket to Ride: Europe which is usually referred to as "The Train Game." This is one where we play the original (American map) version when in Germany since I own that, and then the Europe map when in Geneva since the Joneses got that one.
The game is essentially about building train routes across the map, with a hidden set of "tickets" that give you the goals of connecting certain cities. Longer routes equal more points.
Claudia was able to get some extra help with her cards though...

The outcome of this one was Victory for Ryan. This was notable as it was his first ever win of "The Train Game" and he had been lusting after this victory for a long time. Not sure why success had always eluded him, but he was pretty much always "Mr. 2nd Place" when it came to this game. Finally, the crown is yours Ryan, enjoy the glory.

I own Ticket to Ride.
I call my train The BIG ENGINE.
All aboard the GS Express.
It is a really fun game.
Next stop, pleasuretown.
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