Nothing much to say today, so here is a photo I took of an impressive Lego display. This was in a toy store window in Ulm. It is depicting the Ulm regatta that took place slightly beforehand. The buildings are all accurate to what is actually along the river there. It was huge and pretty neat.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Lego display
Nothing much to say today, so here is a photo I took of an impressive Lego display. This was in a toy store window in Ulm. It is depicting the Ulm regatta that took place slightly beforehand. The buildings are all accurate to what is actually along the river there. It was huge and pretty neat.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Little Trouble Maker
Today Liam was a bit of a pest, he did not want to eat breakfast, get dressed, go to daycare, get out of the car... he just wanted to play with trains and bobby. He would run away and hide in his little house when I wanted to brush his teeth.
It is sometimes frustrating, but how can I stay mad at this face?

Monday, November 26, 2007
Liam's Dance Party
I have no idea how or why the Beatles are "car wash" but they are.
Anyway, Liam was listening to his music and I think Doris wanted to liven things up by adding some dancing bears into the mix. Since that fateful moment, we have been having a bear dance party almost daily.
Here are some best of moments I managed to film. As far as my films go, this is a long one.
Friday, November 23, 2007
For the Americans
I bought these Roast Turkey flavoured chips the other day. What the tin failed to advertise, is that these are Roast Turkey WITH GRAVY flavour. They actually do taste reasonably like what they are supposed to, but I am not sure if it is really what I want to be eating.
There is also a very very unpleasant aftertaste that lingers for HOURS after just a couple of chips. A testament to he mighty chemicals involved in the flavouring no doubt.
Still, I will call this a triumph of chips, if not for quality, for imagination.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
An Interesting warning sign
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Forgotten Cell Phone Photos
These are taken in the Gersthofen mall, where we had popped over for a quick shop a little while ago. It seems that the store "Quelle" which is a bit like a Sears catalogue shop, was having some sort of celebration.
Like many stores, they chose to celebrate by giving students low paying jobs dressing up in humiliating costumes. Here we met a girl dressed as a giant cake. Liam was a little scared by all that dress, but he was fascinated and certainly wanted to check her out.

I would also say it is very believable that these two are somehow related to the local manager of Quelle. Although, if a relative approached me when I was a student with the "how would you like to make some extra money!" line followed by "You just have to walk around a mall dressed like a cake!" I don't think I would have taken them up on it.
There are many, many things I would dearly love to dress up as. neither of these are on that list.

Friday, November 16, 2007
Winter Weather
In the winter weather, both Ryan and I have been known to wear exotic winter hats.

Anyway, I was just feeling wintery and looked at some snowy photos today.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sitting Nice at the Table
Here you can see that no meal would be possible to enjoy unless it is accompanied by many many trucks:
And here is a photo of him enjoying a mini package of Gummi Bears. He certainly finds a way to behave when those are involved.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I Love this Comic Strip
I read the strip on pretty regularly. It is a great site that comments mainly about the world of video gaming, but on occasion they have non-gaming topics. This comic makes me laugh every time I see it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Popular Visitor
Liam also makes sure that his guests are not bored. He certainly had lots on the agenda for Doris. He showed her all his books, watched Jim Knopf with her, made her listen to his music over and over (SINGEN, SINGEN!) and finally Doris looked like she would really like to play cars. This meant that Liam led the way with the big noisy truck and Doris had to drive right behind with the little blue car.
Lucky that Doris seems to like playing cars as well.

Friday, November 09, 2007
St. Martin's Walk
They sing lantern songs and march along and there is some religious significance to the whole thing, which goes with the story of St. Martin. Claudia was not able to really elaborate too much on the whole thing. I think basically it is something fun for little kids to do. They generally spend some time before making their lanterns and then they enjoy the walk. At the end of course there were snacks to be enjoyed.
I did my best to take photos of the event, but I am not so experienced in night-photography. I did not just want to use the flash since that would just look like people standing around in the dark, so I tried using a rear-sync flash, which would freeze people in focus at one point, then let the ambient light of the scene still appear. Since everything was moving around, this made some pretty funky looking effects and light trails.
Here is the group singing a little song:
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The good life
Having a wiener dog is one of those long running fantasies of mine where I know that the fantasy is much much much better than the reality actually would be. Therefore I never really seriously consider getting a dog.
Considering Claudia and I both work all day, I really don't think it is fair to the animal to leave it home alone all day. I also don't really feel like caring for a pet. Caring for a kid is more than enough at the moment.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
More rides at the discount fair
why not let the kids have a barrel? that should be hours of fun. Well, all the "rides" here were free, but come on...
I suppose the kids looked like they were having fun.
Again, who am I to complain when the kids appear to be having fun, but it really seemed like a deeply weird idea for something to put at a fun fair.
I would love to see the list of rides that did not make the cut. They were probably along the lines of:
1) Escape the well
2) Cat watching
3) Brick
4) Bury the rock
Friday, November 02, 2007
I was a cute kid
Here is a photo of me when I was just a lad of 2 years. I thought it would be interesting to have a look and see if Liam looks like tiny me.
I think there is some resemblance, however we are not like twins. When Liam was just a tiny little baby, I think he looked just like me but with slightly smaller ears (thankfully) Of course, as he grows up he looks less like Baby Fraser and more like Liam.
I still Think I looked pretty cute though. Also please note the amazing 1970s decor. I also have zero clue who that other kid is.
Chair = awesome
tablecloth = awesome
Carpet = awesome
Bib = awesome
Haircuts = awesome
the collar on the yellow shirt that kid is wearing = extra awesome