Thursday, November 08, 2007

The good life

When my mother was here, we were out for a walk once and saw this person walking two wiener dogs. Ahhhh beloved wiener dog, how great it would be to trade places with her. I can only imagine all the crazy antics they must get up to.

Having a wiener dog is one of those long running fantasies of mine where I know that the fantasy is much much much better than the reality actually would be. Therefore I never really seriously consider getting a dog.

Considering Claudia and I both work all day, I really don't think it is fair to the animal to leave it home alone all day. I also don't really feel like caring for a pet. Caring for a kid is more than enough at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Fraser, are weiner dogs called franfurter dogs in Germany?

Fraser Anderson said...

Well Dave,

Wiener dogs are actually Dachshunds, which translates as Badger Dog (Dachs=Badger, Hund=Dog)

The conventional short form for these wonderful animals is "Dackel"

on another note Wieners and Frankfurters are totally different. Wieners coming from Vienna (Wien) and Frankfurters of course from Frankfurt. Wieners are not even German, Wien being in Austria.

Anonymous said...

I am completely embarassed by my lack of knowledge on hotdogs, dogs, and Germany.

Fraser Anderson said...

Well that is why I am over here. To serve as a local expert on sausages.

Anonymous said...

lol...I can always count on your blog to put a smile on my face.