I have to say sorry for the very brief posts, I am having a super super busy time at work at the moment. Also, I have not really taken so many interesting photos lately. I will surely have something exciting coming along soon.
So here is a funny sign I saw once:
Is that a "no hat wearing" symbol at the bottom?
I think you should wear your cat-in-the-hat hat there, just to see if they'd enforce the rule.
yup, no pets, food, smoking, eating, phones, or hats.
party central.
you haven't yet posted the picture of the lady in the bikini in the middle of Geneva....
The Doris
It is me again: Did you notice, that one of the ads on your page is actually an ad for childrens hats? Do you think they know your favor for hats? I noticed as I always click on all the ads in order to make you guys some money!!!! I always think that is just fair as we have so much fun reading the posts.
ha ha, I had forgotten the ads were even there. I should move them up the page to where they can be seen.
Or just remove them, I don't think I will make my millions from google adsense.
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