I would say the low light would be my first 10.5 hour flight next to a man who seemed to really want to be my new friend.
I never get a seat next to a dwarf or small quiet person. This fellow was a 6'4" 300 pound man from Knoxville, Tenessee on his first ever flight. I learned that "Chris" has a 7 month ofl daughter named Lilly (saw photos), a 30 pound cat named "tommy" (saw pictures) and works for a company as an engineer that makes a device which uses radiation to measure the level of fluids or other materials passing through pipes.
I also learned about Chris' history with motorcycles and about the accident that made him give them up.
He was not a bad guy, but it is not so fun to be a captive audience to an enthusiastic southerner. Despite the fact the guy was a very intelligent engineer with nuclear technology, I could not help the fact that people with strong strong southern accents just dont sound smart. It is terrible, but as soon as that drawl starts going, I hear banjos in my head.
We did have a nice talk about the merits of IHOP vs Waffle house. I am an IHOP man.
I know now all about the workings of this technology, which uses cesium to pass radioactive waves through a material and then measures changes in the impediment levels of the waves to determine changes in density.
Another exciting thing, Chris had an iPhone and he let me play with it. Whee, that was iFun alright. I don't think I would ever pay 400 Euro plus 50 a month for one, but it was a very sexy toy on its own.
I flew Delta, service was good and the food was actually nice. Next post will describe the glory of my 5 hours stopover in Atlanta.

1 comment:
Fraser, did you see? Weltbild advertised for the augsburger puppenkiste on your page. Man, they are watching closely!
Hope you had a good second flight, the first one sounded like fun :-)
The Doris
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