Sunday, January 06, 2008

Poor Sick Boy

Over the Christmas holidays, it seems like about 90% of Germany caught the flu. Our household was no exception, as Liam seemed to pick up the dreaded illness first.

I still believe that this came from the germ festival that is daycare, with a group of ten kids randomly licking things then handing them to each other seems to be the norm. Aunt Doris seemed to have quite some guilt that the cold came from her though... In the end, there were so many people sick over here that if one place did not pass it on, there were several other sickies waiting on every corner to cough at us.

Liam was a pathetic little lump while sick. Look at this guy on the couch... It is probably cruel to laugh at an innocent childs total misery, but what the heck. I like laughing at misery, especially when it is this sad looking.
As anyone who knows Liam, they will realize that this little energy ball does not sit still for more than a few seconds at a time. This level of inactivity was demonstrating just how rotten he felt.

Here is another look at Mr Pathetic.
Unrelated to the illness, Claudia bought Liam his own little chair to sit on. Despite feeling so bad, he still somehow found the energy to watch TV and eat gummi bears. What a trooper.


Anonymous said...

The couch shot is priceless. It looks like me on a Sunday afternoon.

Fraser Anderson said...

Glad that someone else can enjoy the misery of a small child.