Thursday, January 17, 2008

Liam the Early Riser

Sometimes Liam is a challenge to my nerves. This morning he woke up at 4am and would not calm down until I brought him over to sleep in our bed with us. Then at 5:30, he announced (while mercilessly kicking me) that it was time to get up and he wanted cereal. Oh, and his bear wanted toast.

I am not at all amused with this, his sleeping behaviour is already a nightmare when it is time to go into bed, if it becomes a nightmare when taking him out of bed too, we may have no choice than to sell him to the circus.

Here he is playing train in his robe. I think you can tell by his expression that he knows I am not thrilled with him. He had to play alone from 5:30 to 7:30 while I sat on the couch. I told him that he wanted up, not me, so he can find a way to fill this time on his own.


Anonymous said...

Amazing how kids change your life, isn't it? I always find it interesting to discover the "little" things that no one ever bothered to tell you about. Like how to function on less than 2 hours of sleep......

Anonymous said...

Anytime you feel like wanting to sell him to the circus, I'll happily take him off your hands (for a few days atleast)
