I was very very impressed with the town of Annecy. I was likely influenced somewhat by seeing it under the best possible conditions. Wonderful sunny day, temperature was just right. Liam was in a good mood and we had just eaten a yummy lunch. Conditions were perfect for enjoyment.
One of the first sites we saw after lunch was the
Palais de L'Isle. My friend Wikipedia advises me that this was built in 1172. It is apparently one of the most frequently photographed landmarks in France. No wonder, I think it looks pretty sweet.

The Lake is of course the biggest attraction of this town and I was pretty amazed at just how great it was. I don't have too much else to say about how much I liked it... so enjoy these nice photos.

It's unfair that in a place like Toronto, a day's drive might get you to Thunder Bay. In Europe, a day's drive gets you to a whole other country.
I agree with Dave. Although, I guess to be totally fair, a day's drive might get you to the USA, which technically is another country. But really, how can you compare France with Detroit?
Well, this is almost six hour drive from our place in Germany, but only 30 min from the Jones' place in Genf.
Why complain, within an hour of Toronto, you can get to such scenenic places as Ajax, or Innisfil, or Waterloo.
Those pics look like Nigeria.
But does Ajax or Waterloo have "trendy shoes"
I did not think so.
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