Monday, May 26, 2008

Back in Germany

Well, I have endured the monster travel of 1+8+1+5 hours in various forms of transport to get back home and I can start with the wonderful posts on the Canada visit.

All in all it was a very nice trip, the weather was generally cooler than expected, but so many years of living in Germany has made me used to cool damp weather. It was very nice to see my family and friends again and it always feels a little sad to leave when the trip is over.

This visit was clearly the best time ever for Liam. He had two weeks in a house full of kids, dog, bird, fish, toys, and constant attention. I think it is safe to say that it was his greatest trip ever. If nothing else, his obsession with my sister's dog was well worth it.

First, some photos of the trip there...

First a nice stroll through the airport on the way to the boarding call... Bobby was of course a constant companion through the trip.
At the Airport, Liam sees a plane up close for the first time. He was amazed how big they were and could not really understand that he was actually going to go ride INSIDE it.
Liam on his first plane ride, taken with my phone. He was super excited on how fast the plane was... then asleep about 5 seconds after take off. Aside from boredom near the end of the flight, he was a very very good boy.
Then at the baggage claim, a little pooped and unsure of what is really going on. That is all for today, lots of work to do, but there will be lots more coming.

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