Part of the fun of doing this blog for me is seeing where the readers are coming from. Upon my last check, I have people reading this in:
United States
I think that is fun. I don't even know people in some of these countries, so it is kind of neat to think random people could care less about my house being built and my opinion of the new office floor plan (which is garbage by the way.)
I just wish that more people would leave comments from time to time. I enjoy the delightful discussions about Dave that Ponter and Gord frequently have, but it would be very nice to hear anyone else chime in, even if it is just to tell me how great the house looks.
Claudia takes all credit for how good the house looks, any decorating/colour choices/furniture placement is decided on by her. There is no question that she is the one with taste in the household. If it was left to me, Liam and I would probably be sitting in cardboard boxes and wearing burlap sacks.
I think you should at least leave the dirt pile in the backyard for the kids to play with.
After all, you need to keep up your rep as "Old Man Anderson".
Do you have any photos of the finished kitchen, or did I miss a post?
The house looks very nice indeed - a lot of hard work and love went into it.
Now you can reap what you have sown.
You still need to get a new TV and an xbox 360.
I have not put up any pictures of the kitchen yet. Maybe tomorrow...
I have my temporary TV, which is a 32 inch Philips which we received from Claudia's Aunt. They bought a new flat screen, so we get the big old tube one. Picture is great, sound is great, I am totally appeased for at least a year.
Xbox... probably not ever happen. If I had the coin to spend, it would be going towards a new computer.
You should build one of of nanobots, nanotubes and buckyballs with an organic processor.
there is something really wrong with you.
I am going to build a robot and call it Dave. We will sleep in bunk beds.
Regarding Xbox 360. I would normally vote you get online with a 360 asap Fraser, but one problem. You live in Germany... That is one STRICT country when it comes to what they let their citizens play. Most of the good FPS games are either banned or hobbled in some way (green blood??).
You could always get a Nintendo DS Lite and play some sweet multiplayer Diddy Kong Racing. I'm sure they'd allow that :)
The German laws are on what can be sold here. You can import all the gore you want. Just place your orders with UK.
I am not sure if xb360 games are regionally encoded, so US versions may not work, but I always have jolly old England to order violent games if I feel the need.
I want to give my praise for the good look of the house and I am waiting for new pictures! And I have to point out, my sister always knows what is looking good! If it had not been for her I definitely would have been dressed in sacks in my teenage years! But, I also want to give praise to Fraser for his patience in all the discussions, if the walls should be a little bit darker red or a little bit ligter red or maybe not red at all? And not to forget about the famous "Niesche". But Ryan can maybe share his feelings about our discussions about the white couch with you!
The D
Hey Fraser,
I'm one of those lurkers that has been reading, but not posting, so I figured I'd drop a line in here to formally say hello!
Things are looking great with the house, congratulations! - and good luck with the HP squish - we're going through that here at the HP Toronto and Mississauga buildings, it'll be interesting to see how it all works out.
Hey Fraser,
I drop by from Australia every now an then to check out the progress. Your place is looking good. - Wayne.
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