First, I apologize to Nader and Rina for leaving Singapore off my list yesterday, I know they are among the most dedicated followers to the legacy that is "Fraser's News." It is unforgivable that I did not call them out at the top of the list. Everyone should click on the link to their blog to see how wonderful Singapore is.
Well, for all the many requests, I finally have some pictures of the new kitchen.
Here is how it looks from the outside. It is all open, but we put in the gate to keep out the tiny engine of destruction.

on the left hand side is the big cupboard, one of these doors is the refrigerator, and the other two are cupboards where the dishes and stuff are stored. The spot on the counter at the right may eventually hold a microwave if we ever decide to buy one, but for now it has cookbooks.

Moving along the rear wall, this is all the big counter work area, and the dishwasher and sink are on this side. Turning the corner after the sink is the left wall, where all the high cupboards with food are located, and below them the stove and oven.

I am not going to put up photos showing how each cupboard is filled. It would probably just make everyone feel bad about how their own cupboards are organized. You see, Claudia is totally insane when it comes to organizing things, and our cabinets are stocked and arranged with a precision that is seen no other place in the universe.
That's a sweet kitchen.
You should start your own show called "Cookin' With Fraser".
You should see me boil an egg in there.
Someone's in the kitchen with Fraser.........
Someone's in the kitchen, I know oh oh
Someone's in the kitchen with Fraser.
Strumming on the old banjo.
That is a fine kitchen. I like the scale.
Very nice! And so neat!!!! I don't know how you guys do it. We always have at least 2 glasses out, snacks left on the counter tops, probably some cookbooks lying around randomly, and toy cars that Julian has left behind.
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