The first one on the corner is a nice little kindergarten, a fairly nice one with a decent lookging playground outside:
That is correct, a large cemetery is the view that these elderly folks are presented with all day. I have to wonder what the town planners were thinking when arranging this:
1) How convenient, when the old people die, we can just walk across the street.
2) How nice, the folks in the home can have a short walk to visit their friends.
3) If the Graveyard depresses them, look the other way and see kindergarten kids playing...
I am not so convinced about the wisdom of this layout.
I guess the residents have a new perspective on 'from the cradle to the grave'. :)
I just laughed out loud.
You are laughing at my poor miserable neighbours?
It is funny, whenever we were walking by this place we would always look at this home and comment on what a nice looking modern building it seemed to be. Then we would see the residents and they are always ALWAYS looking miserable and sullen.
I am seriously chalking it up to them being German.
There is a reason that there is no such expression as "Those Jolly Germans"
Yes, I am laughing at your neighbours.
Did you once tell me that the Bavarians are a jolly people?
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