Yesterday was Labour day here and it was another sunny wonder. We decided to take Liam over to Ludwigsburg, where there is a really nice castle. On the grounds of the castle is a botanical garden with lots of exotic birds to look at and best of all... a fairy tale garden for kids.
Ludwigsburg is just on the other side of Stuttgart from us, so only about 45 min in the car, we could have even taken the subway from Herrenberg, but it is a REALLY long trip that way since you have to travel the whole line with many many stops on the way. As you can see, it is a wonderful clear day. I will be honest and admit I cranked up the colour saturation in this picture because I thought it looked a bit more cool.

This is a Baroque castle and grounds, so the style is quite elaborate. The town really capitalizes on this style and has a Baroque Christmas Market every year and it seems like there is always some sort of event going on with "Baroque" in the name.

One more photo of the castle and grounds, this time from the rear:

We have been to this place quite a few times and we usually take any visitors here. I know my mother really liked it when she came for a summer visit. Given that much of the sites are floral, it is not the greatest place to go in the colder months.
Here is my wonderful wife Claudia standing in front of a whole whack of flowers. She saw the pictures from today and the first thing she said was "Do you think I need to get some bigger sunglasses? The really big sunglasses are in style right now." Ah, always on the cutting edge of fashion that Claudia. So, if anyone reading this has an opinion about her sunglasses, please feel free to leave a comment.

Tomorrow the action will continue as we enter..... the FAIRY TALE GARDEN.
No, oversized sunglasses will be out again soon - hopefully.
Besides, bigger frames will just obscure her beautiful face.
She should absolutely get the big glasses. In fact, when I saw the picture I instantly thought "that woman would look striking with some nice large frames." Gord is wrong about them going out of style. She will be able to rock them for a while. Also, she will always be able to pull them off.
Also, she is beautiful and tall. She will look super glam with the large glasses.
I would tell you to ignore Gord's advice, but I know that Claudia will.
Sorry, but most women over 30 who wear the oversized Chanel or D & G glasses look ridiculous - even more so than the young fashionistas who made them popular in 2005.
Unless of course Claudia wishes to emulate Paris Hilton - and I doubt that is so.
OK, that is just a stupid thing to say. And that is a bit of a violent reaction to large sunglasses. Are you carding women with large sunglasses to determine their age? Are all of the large sunglasses Chanel or D&G? Do you not like the large glasses or is it fashionistas and women over 30 or Paris Hilton that bother you?
Perhaps you do not like large sunglasses, but pleant of people do. And that's ok too.
Claudia, try the glasses, you will look great.
Wow, such strong strong opinions...
I am glad I do not offer any fashion advice. I know that I have zero concept of what looks stylish.
I have the same look I had in 1990.
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