Yesterday it was pouring rain all day, so the fun activities were a bit limited. Claudia nevertheless took the little complainer out for a rainy walk to make him happy.
Upon returning home, Claudia went into the kitchen to prepare the morning snack of Banana and a drink. She closed the kitchen gate to make sure little hands were not opening all the cupboards and hurling things floorwards. Then she heard a loud CRACK followed by crying. She turned around and saw that Liam the Power Baby had snapped a bar in the gate.

It is a little more visible here:

Surely this is a defect in the gate, Liam is a strong guy, but come on... I really hope this is not an indication of what we can expect moving forwards. He is not even two yet and he is already destroying the place.
Does this look like the face of a boy on the rampage?
Ahhh, reminds me of his father and paths of destruction in his younger years.
The gate does look a little weak, but I'd have to agree with GS on this one.
Dave, how did it feel to be an innocent bystander during all those years?
Way to go Liam!! I'll get you a hammer with a rubber head when I visit. Easier to break wood thataway
Well, as proud as I am of the power baby, I hope he can restrict his smashing to other peoples things.
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